Saturday, January 31, 2009

Talking crap... Like Paan...

This is my little brother... don't be amazed yet... look down here....

This is my grandfather... He's a rockstar... 73 years old rockstar...

This is me and my brother... Guess it's not too late, Congratz dude. Teruskan menternak jerawat...

Time sambut taun bru aritu... Sonok giler g hangout...

My workplace during the holiday... Rock on...

Suatu Renungan Buat Semua...

Terpanggil untuk menulis post ini dalam bahasa Melayu, setelah membaca tulisan Nur di dalam post terbarunya. Maaf terlebih dahulu dipinta jika tulisan kali ini agak 'offensive' atau menyinggung mana-mana pihak. Sebenarnya, telah lama terfikir untuk menulis tentang isu ini, menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati saya tentang perkara ini.

Terus ke cerita utama. Izinkan saya menulis sedikit sebanyak mengenai tempat saya dilahirkan. Saya dilahirkan, dan seterusnya dibesarkan oleh datuk dan nenek saya di Felda Sungai Panching Selatan. Suasana kampung yang sangat harmoni. 

Saya meninggalkan kawan-kawan sebaya di Felda ini sewaktu saya mula-mula diterima masuk ke SMK Seri Kuantan, sebuah sekolah asrama. Kerana jarang pulang ke kampung, saya mula mengalami kesukaran untuk menghubungi mereka. Baru-baru ini, pada hujung tahun 2008, saya telah dikejutkan dengan sebuah klip video yang tidak bermoral. Seorang gadis sebaya saya bersama-sama dengan seorang lelaki sedang melakukan seks di dalam ladang. Sepupu saya, seorang pelajar perempuan yang berumur 16 tahun telah menunjukkan video tersebut kepada saya. Pada amatan saya, ternyata penglihatan saya tidak salah. Gadis sebaya saya itu adalah rakan saya sewaktu di Darjah 6. Kami tidak rapat, tetapi saya mengenali dia sebagai seorang rakan. Cerita di sebalik klip video itu lebih teruk lagi. Rakan saya ini telah bertunang. Lelaki di dalam klip video tersebut bukanlah tunangnya. Daripada cerita yang saya dengar daripada sepupu saya, rakan saya ini telah putus tunang sebaik sahaja video klip ini tersebar. 

Itu cerita pertama yang ingin saya kongsi. Kisah kedua adalah mengenai sahabat saya, seorang pelajar lelaki. Ingin saya tanyakan terlebih dahulu, seramai manakah anak-anak Felda yang berjaya ke menara gading jika dibandingkan dengan yang gagal di bangku persekolahan? Terlalu sedikit. Nisbahnya suatu yang tidak patut. Sahabat saya ini berjaya menghabiskan persekolahan dengan mengambil SPM, tetapi dia telah gagal (yang saya maksudkan dengan mendapat gred F bagi subjek Bahasa Melayu). Tiada seorang pun anak Felda yang berjaya lulus dengan cemerlang di SMK Seri Panching. Akhirnya, rakan saya ini telah menjadi seorang pengurus ladang. 

Aneh, memang aneh apabila saya pulang ke kampung dan berjumpa dengan sahabat-sahabat lama saya. Mereka semua bertubuh besar dan tegap, rupa mereka kasar dan ada antara mereka yang kelihatan seperti sudah berkahwin. Apabila saya tanyakan, rupa-rupanya pekerjaan mereka yang menjadikan mereka seperti itu. Sesetengah mereka telah berhenti sekolah sebelum mengambil PMR dan bekerja di ladang dengan mengambil upah meracun atau menabur baja. Ada antara mereka yang bekerja mengait buah kelapa sawit dan menjadi kelindan lori. Memang pekerjaan mereka itu tidak mungkin dapat dilakukan oleh saya, tetapi tidakkah tempat mereka sepatutnya di sekolah?

Bukan hak saya untuk menuding jari kepada mana-mana pihak berkenaan dengan masalah ini, tetapi telah menjadi tanggungjawab saya, walaupun hanya seorang cucu peneroka Felda, untuk mencari inisiatif bagi menyelesaikan masalah ini. Kita cuba lihat sebagai professional, dan bukannya seseorang yang menulis bagi melepaskan geram. 

Agak jauh telah saya melalut. Maaf kepada pembaca. Tentu anda telah bosan dengan cara penulisan saya yang terlalu mengikut format seperti kertas peperiksaan. Ada satu lagi cerita yang ingin saya nyatakan. Jika di bandar, membawa motosikal tanpa memakai helmet adalah suatu kejanggalan. Tetapi, di Felda, ianya seperti satu perkara biasa. Di tempat saya, kanak-kanak berumur 10 tahun sudah boleh menunggang motosikal adalah perkara biasa. Fenomena mat rempit di tempat saya amatlah berleluasa. Kanak-kanak diasuh dari kecil, sejak memiliki basikal pertama untuk melakukan aksi-aksi berbahaya. Di hadapan rumah datuk saya adalah sebatang jalan yang lurus dan berbukit. Jadi, setiap petang, dapatlah kami melihat aksi-aksi berani anak-anak Felda yang ingin mendapatkan lebih momentum. Daripada kanak-kanak yang berbasikal (sambil melakukan aksi-aksi berbahaya) sehinggalah kepada remaja-remaja belasan tahun yang menunggang motor 'scrambler'. 

Saya bukannya seorang yang telah mendapat ijazah luar negara (insyaAllah, beberapa tahun lagi), tetapi saya ingin menggunakan sepenuh ruang yang ada untuk berkongsi pandangan saya terhadap kemajuan Felda. Bukannya marah kepada pihak tertentu kerana tidak diberikan biasiswa (mahupun saguhati) atas kejayaan 10A, tetapi cuma mahu mengingatkan rakan-rakan. Ingin saya ingatkan sekali lagi, pendapat dan kisah yang saya tuliskan ini cuma dari perspektif saya, di Felda Sungai Panching Selatan, Kuantan. Akhir kalam, sejuta kemaafan buat semua pihak.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

for life is a funny thing

Sometimes, when I was about to fall asleep, I went back to think about things that I had done in the day time. By doing that, I was able to see either my days are worth or not at all. Once I think about it, I realized that I waste too much time doing unnecessary things. My priority is not yet organized, and my life is not yet properly scheduled. This very evening, I look at my right and saw Wahid, my loyal roommate and responsible friend. Then I turned to my left and saw Adib, my helpful roommate and a really caring friend. I stare in my front side and ponder. Ponder, ponder and ponder again. I was the ‘weakest’ among all my roommates. Then my ideas flow extremely fast from my mind. So I grab a piece of paper and try to list down what has been the disturbance for my priority to be yet unorganized.

So here’s the list that I’ve made.
1. When those guys and girls were studying during their free time, I loiter around talking
rubbish, listening to the tracks I admired so much or just sleeping all by myself.
2. When those guys and girls were studying during their free time, I surf the internet for a
new tracks or gig flyers on Myspace, strumming my guitar in front of my laptop to learn
new licks and solo or leads. What a waste of time.
3. While those guys and girls were busy studying during weekends, I woke up at 1 o’clock and
have my lunch, before going out to either play bowling, snooker, jamming or went for
karaoke. I wasted my money, my precious time and eventually my future.
4. While those guys and girls were doing the homework given by the lecturers, I sat down,
doing nothing but stared at those toiling companions. I procrastinate, again and again.
5. In every class, I want them to end early. I have no passion to study. Not at all, and I think
that I was critically lazy.

So there it goes. However, there are some others that I can’t show. It’s too personal.
This track, Bosan from Roti is very nice. It was taken from their album Ilustrasi Mimpi.

“Bosan dengan hidupku, mengapa jadi begitu, kemanakah hilang semangatku”

For life is a funny thing.

the cheese cake story

A few days ago, on the Chinese New Year’s eve, my family and I went out to do some shopping. We spent quiet a lot that day, yes; we look like we have a lot of money but in fact, we don’t. We bought my little brother’s Adidas shoes (which cost him almost RM300), my new jacket, my father’s new t-shirt and also my youngest brother’s new sandals (there’s more, but I can’t list them down). During dinner, I asked my mother if she wanted to try a Secret Recipe cheese cake. So I bought her three slices of the cake, as I may recall, that is Black Forest, Blueberry Cheese and Chocolate Cheese. Some of them were very nice to her, but some other was too ‘cheesy’. Talking of the cheese cake, I remembered something very nostalgic. My girlfriend likes cheese cake very much. I remembered back one time when we went out together, while waiting for the commuter at the station, we shared a cheese cake. That is the time when I feel very close to her. She always likes the cheese cake, even if it was not a Secret Recipe one. So come to think about it, I missed her so damn much. I think I should make it up again with her. We have been fighting for times recently, and I think I acted terribly on that. It was my fault. Enough about my personal matters, I know you like (menyampah betol aku bace blog Syahmi ni, x abes2 citer pasal awek…) with my blog. My most sincere apology for that.

We all enjoyed the day very much (please note that we refers to my family and I, not my girlfriend and I). Our economy has been quiet approving recently, for my father has to go outstation for times in a month (he worked as a Radioactive Protection Officer, a RPO, who grants license to factories). However, I can’t help but to worry about him. The trip from Kuantan to Butterworth is not a stone’s throw away, and he was just taking the bus there. I had always prayed for his safety during the trip.

Syahmi is; worried about his father, missed his girlfriend so much and thankful to God.

Monday, January 26, 2009

First Public Performance???

Btol ke dak Zul ney?

He mentioned something about an audition for CATS Music Festival... Or something like that...
Then the performance on stage... Representing the programme...
And about the second band of ADFP... About Mukh being our vocalist...

Then about me being the Lead Guitarist....

I was with my girlfriend back then... So it was not so clear....

For True Friends are Forever...

Last Friday...

Is when I learned what does true friends means...

Morning, on the way to INTEC...
Shasha drive me to INTEC, because my guitar is too big and I don't want to take the bus with the guitar on my back...

Before lunch...
Wahid said, "Syahmi, sori r, aku x dpt bawak ko sbb aku kene blik sblum Jumaat..."
That's what best friends does; Apologize if they can't help...
Then I said,"Kalo camtu, ko tolong r bawak balik gitar aku..."
That's what best friends does; Help whatever, whenever they can...

Then Shasha called me, "Syahmi, ko nak balik ngan aku ke?"
That's what best friends does; Offers help whenever they can...
And I said, "Xpe r, Shasha... Aku balik lepas solat... Thanks..."
That's what best friends does; Refuse in the best way they can...

On the way to PJ...
I said, "Let me fill the tank first... Leyn..."
Then she said, "Too late, I've already filled it..."
That's what best friends does; be proactive whenever they can afford...
Fauzan said, "Let me pay for the parking..."
I said, "Haha.. Just like we have to pay any..."
Then he took out his Touch and Go card to pay the toll...
That's what best friends does; Say bad things, do good things...

While getting lost...
I said, "We can call the centre, but I don't have enough credits..."
They both say, "Use mine!!!, but you have to do talking..."
That's what best friends does; Never be too stingy with one another...

When I was losing hopes and giving up...
I said, "Forget about it, guys... Let's go back..."
Nur said, "No, not yet... Let's look around just a little more..."
That's what best friends does; Be supportive... At all times... By all means...

When I make a joke on the most expensive u-turn...
Everybody laughed loudly, even with the unsolved problems...
That's what best friends does; They chill, even in difficult times...

When we found the Greenpacket building...
I said, "There's no parking around here... Somebody have to wait in the car..."
Nur said, "I'll wait... Just don't be too long..."
That's what best friends does; Volunteered for help... Even with boredom and risks...

In the building...
Paan called me, said, "Bas Cityliner bunyi bising giler r... Baik aku naek Sani.."
That's what best friends does; Share disappointment with each other...

At Ole2... Before karaoke...
Afiqah called me, "Weyh, aku nampak ko!!! Ko sombong ngan aku ek..."
I said, "Ye ke? Aku x pasan pown ko... Jom r pegi karaoke..."
That's what best friends does; Talk to each other whenever they got the chances...

Before going to Section 17 for the bus...
I said, "Jom Zul, hantar aku kat Seksyen 17... Nanti aku topup r minyak..."
Zul said, "Ngan beg banyak gini? X kisah r... Jom..."
That's what best friends does; Help each other, regardless of the time...

While waiting for the bus...
Nani came to me and my girlfriend, said, "Awek ko ney Syahmi? Name ape?"
"Shiqin..." "Owh... Nani..."
I just watched and smile... Meet my girl, Nani... hahaha...
That's what best friends does; Know each other's significant other...


Tribute to Ms. Asma

Last Thursday...

Dzul, Wak, Nur and I was lounging after having our lunch...
Then Wak said, "Aku nk jumpe Miss Dhaya pasni..."
And I said, "Ok gak, aku pown nk jumpe Ms. Azima..."
Then they all like, "Sape?"
"Miss Azima r... Apasal korang neyh???"
"Miss Azima bukan dah pindah ke? Ko biar betol, Syahmi..."
"Eh, silap r... Miss Asma r... Ala, tersasol r plak..."

At Ms. Asma room...
"Syahmi right?", Ms. Asma said...
Then Dzul interrupted, "He didn't remember your name, Miss.."

Siot ko zul...

"Owh, really? Write it in your blog ok...", Miss continued...
"What? You read my blog?" yes, I happened to startled...
"Of course, I read everybody's blog..."

Now I know that I have a very distinguished reader. Thanks Miss Asma, and my fellow readers.
Love you all...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Learning to Run the Gauntlet; Not Easy at All

It has been almost three weeks I'm here in INTEC...
Terlalu banyak ujian yang menimpa dalam masa terdekat ni...
I'm tired...
Is there anything that I can do to help myself?

Well, Wahid had said it all...
La Tahzan Syahmi...
I believe in karma... In the wheels of life... Just this year, my wheels moved too slow...

Enough about my feeling right now...
I used to digress a lot if I write something personal...

Let talk academic.
This evening we had the Ko- PLN meetings, and how does mine goes?
Just fine, I think. It was actually boooorrrrriiiiiinnnngggg.....
Tomorrow I will have my Biology quiz. And I stop reading for this post.
I finally succeeded to differentiate the stereoisomerism structure for glucose!!!
So hard... Have to read it over and over again...

This Friday is my introductory speech with Dr. Bib..
Hopefully I will do well in that speech...
To my classmate, I will introduce my girlfriend to you all this Friday...
Just wait and see... I will bring her to class for the speech...

Lastly, Eugene. Well, the class is getting warmer now.
Nice job, guys and girls.
Let us help each other for the sake of getting the best result.
Success if for those who worked on it.
Until next time, thanks for reading.

p/s: Tingkatkan prestasi, kurangkan kontroversi.
: Semoga aku diberikan kekuatan rohani...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where Hopes is the Last Thing Offered...

Right after the moment I captured this photo, I send it right away to my mother. From her reply, I know how much she was hoping for me to succeed. Hopefully I will realized and learn to live on their hopes. Be strong, Syahmi. For life is not always good. For good things will not come easy. For easy things is not always the best. For my life is not dull enough.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

For Girls to Read!!!

These were taken from the blog of my friend's friend.

Kalau lelaki handsome pendiam
Perempuan akan cakap: woow, cool giler…
Kalau lelaki tak handsome pendiam
Perempuan akan cakap: eh perasan bagus…

Kalau lelaki handsome berbuat jahat
Perempuan akan kata: nobody’s perfect
Kalau lelaki tak handsome berbuat jahat
Perempuan akan cakap: memang…. muka pun macam pecah rumah!

Kalau lelaki handsome menolong perempuan yg diganggu
Perempuan akan cakap: wah.. machonya.. macam hero filem!Kalau lelaki tak handsome menolong perempuan yang diganggu
Perempuan akan kata: entah2 kawan dia…

Kalau lelaki handsome dapat perempuan cantik
Perempuan akan kata: sepadan sangat…
Kalau lelaki tak handsome dapat perempuan cantik
Perempuan akan kata: mesti kena bomoh perempuan tuh!

Kalau lelaki handsome ditinggal kekasih
Perempuan akan kata: jangan sedih, kan saya ada..
Kalau lelaki tak handsome ditinggal kekasih
Perempuan akan kata:…(terdiam, tapi telunjuknya meliuk-liuk dari atas ke bawah, patutlah, tengok saja luarannya)…

Kalau lelaki handsome penyayang binatang
Perempuan akan cakap: perasaannya halus…penuh kasih sayang
Kalau lelaki tak handsome penyayang binatang
Perempuan akan cakap: sesama keluarga memang harus menyayangi…

Kalau lelaki handsome bawa BMW
Perempuan akan cakap: matching… hebat luar dalam
Kalau lelaki tak handsome bawa BMW
Perempuan akan cakap: bang, bosnya mana?…

Kalau lelaki handsome tak mau bergambar
Perempuan akan cakap: pasti takut kalau2 gambarnya tersebar
Kalau lelaki tak handsome tak mau bergambar
Perempuan akan kata: tak sanggup melihat hasilnya ya?…

Kalau lelaki handsome menuang air ke gelas perempuan
Perempuan akan cakap:ini barulah lelaki gentlemen
Kalau lelaki tak handsome menuang air ke gelas perempuan
Perempuan akan cakap: naluri pembantu, memang begitu….

Kalau lelaki handsome bersedih hati
Perempuan akan cakap: let me be your shoulder to cry on
Kalau lelaki tak handsome bersedih hati
Perempuan akan kata: kuat nangis!! lelaki ke bukan ni?

I'm agree to the highest level with this. Do you???

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

*Updating Status*

Syahmi is currently;

-tired and all weared out from the homework and assignments

-lack of sleep; long nightly studying and toiling

-glad to learn the song "Di Kala Bulan Bermain Biola" by Hujan

-in dilemma. to go or not to go...

Monday, January 12, 2009

First Week; 1st Wave of Indie Attack

First tiring week.

The first Sunday in the college (which I recall to be on 4th January 2009), me and my boys went to jamming the very night we registered. However, we only managed to play for about 40 minutes for the studio was full. Juwe brought his friend to play the drums, and my first impression is that he was extremely enthusiastic. I like his spirit.

Last Saturday (10th January 2009)
YOUTH'09 --- Battle of the Bands

It's only me, Zul and our very own Nur...

A graffiti of YOUTH'09; Welcome!

Encountered the Sailor Moon!!!

After the Battle of the Bands. All were damn tired.

An accidental snapshot by Zul. Nice though.

The photography corner. A whole lot of pictures.

Somehow she was kinda cute. Lighting effect.

She can really rocks. Really got the style.
Pay attention to my girlfriend (The black ACOUSTIC)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

tagged. mls tol.

* Name : Mohd Syahmi bin Yem (just call me nothing else but syahmi)

* Sisters : None

* Brothers : 3 little brothers, i'm the olldest.

* Shoe size : 9 kot???

* Height :163 cm. maybe.

* Where do you live : Kuantan, Pahang. (aku budak felda)

* Have you ever been on a plane : not yet. next year kot?

* Swam in the ocean : i hate swimming. bad experience.

* Fallen asleep at school : sometimes. depends.

* Broken someone’s heart : time and time again. i'm a bad guy.

* Fell off your chair : never. i used to always be lucky.

* Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : nope. never.

* Saved e-mails : one from QIBT, Australia.

* What is your room like : a mini studio? maybe. without the drumset and bass.

* What’s right beside you: zul jamming with his new guitar...

* What is the last thing you ate :nasik goreng biase.

Ever had…

* Chicken pox : don't remember. not important.

* Sore throat : always. i sang a lot.

* Stitches : used to. tp dh lme x kne.

* Broken nose : never wanted to.

* Do you Believe in love at first sight : yes. to my aria acoustic.

* Like picnics : if they were loud enough.

Who was/were…

* The last person you danced with : bai. the gig last saturday.

* Last made you smile : nur azleen. zul. ntah..

* You last yelled at : the overexcited vocalist in the battle of the band this evening. bajet sporting gler, crowd bleh suke. blah r kau.

Today did you…

* Talk to someone you like : *refused to answer*

* Kissed anyone : not yet.

* Get sick : damn excited.

* Talk to an ex : *tanak jawab gak. ak tataw r cmne situasi ktorg skrg*

* Miss someone : my nurse. missed her like hell. only if she knows it...

* Who do you really hate: myself.

* Do you like your hand-writing : very much. people says it was cute.

* Are your toe nails painted : hehe. nope.

* Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : i can sleep anywhere. just make sure it was dark enough.

* What color shirt are you wearing now : black. lom mndi ag.

* Are you a friendly person : i can't judge myself.

* Do you have any pets : yes. a blowfish named nadiah.

* Do you sleep with the TV on : i don't watch tv very much.

* What are you doing right now : practice for tomorrow's jamming.

* Can you handle the truth : if the situation demanded.

* Are you closer to your mother or father : mom.

* Do you eat healthy : not really.

* Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : just having my first break up.

* If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : my guitar.

* Are you loud or quiet most of the time : quiet. sari can tell why.

* Are you confident : not always.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago :-

* playing crush gear.
* been the teacher's boy.
* nearly burned my grandma's house down.
* scolded a standard one boy.
* being bullied and bullying others.

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire :-

* bring my family to perform the Hajj.
* buy my father a volkswagen beetle.
* build a recording studio in my house.
* buy my father some goats and hire some workers.
* buy my home lot from FELDA.

5 of my bad habits :-

* i hurt people when i speak
* i make mistakes and always reluctant to admit it
* suke lmbt solat isyak...
* ske practice jamming sorg2...
* easily liking someone else

5 places I’ve lived/living :-

* batu 5, jalan gambang
* felda panching selatan
* hostel SMK Seri Ktn, Phg
* hostel SMS Alam Shah, KL
* hostel Intec, Shah Alam

5 peeps to tag this survey :-

* Wahid
* Zerrot
* Pojan
* Adib Afandi
* Shasha

Thursday, January 8, 2009

There and Back Again.

Sometimes, life may not be too easy for us. As a student, I almost lose my confidence in my Maths. Why on Earth should I be studying that?? I hate it. My new class is Eugene. And so far, everything was going very well and smooth. There is only 23 students in my class, and specifically, we got only seven boys and 16 girls in the class. Here is my first impresssion; we will have a really cool class with the enthusiastic backrowers, just like the old beloved Glendale. However, to my dissappointment, the girls was way too quiet compared to my previous class. Just one thing I could conclude about my class. Cool, just cool.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

INDIE Music and How It Affected Me.

Monday, December 22, 2008
12:26:16 AM

The word ‘indie’ itself explained everything that it comes from the word ‘independent’, which indicated the freedom of producing music from your own bedroom or even from the regular jamming session. The music was then edited by raw editing software, without any high cost mixing and effects instruments. The tracks were then burned in a single disc which usually contains only 5 or 6 tracks. I remember the time I got the demo disc of Hujan, Check Check Rock Rock from one of my friends a few months ago. I was not initially a fan of independent music, but somehow, it takes my interest. I laughed when some of friends sneaked out from the hostel only to watch the Indie Fest 2007 held in Taman Tasik Permaisuri. However, now I know how good that underground independent music is. So guys and girls, try indie.

The Priority Reorganized. Require Vital Attention.

Sunday, December 21, 2008
11:55:12 PM

In my primary school, I was known as one extremely potential student who was aimed to have the best excellent results and behavior. Then, in my secondary school, in SMK Seri Kuantan, I was not even aimed as the target student who was expected to score a straight A’s in my PMR. However, with God’s blessings, I managed to have the excellent score. Next is in my upper secondary school, ASiS, I was in the middle group student who was not expected to obtain a straight A’s in my SPM, as my exams was not so good. With extra hard works, I managed to get the straight A’s. It was my series of unexpected success. Only now I realized that I can’t forever survive on luck like before, as I have to accept the fact that without hard work and effort, even luck is useless. So now, I need to have my priority reorganized.
The priority was expected to be as below:

1. My studies. It is the most important thing. It should be the most important thing, but I think I put it in the wrong place all these time before.

2. My ethics and mannerism. It includes my devotion to my religion, faith and belief. I must watch out for myself, spent more time in the mosque and put a rigid boundary in everything that I mingled with.

3. My relationships with others. I should have called my parents more often, even to only let them know that I’m doing great and they were still healthy. I should spend more time with my friends and forget about love. It was way too early. I have given up my hope in serious relationship.

4. My budget management. I was using the taxpayers’ money, so I should have watched my expenditure. However, it must not go against the priority mentioned above.

5. My time management. Less time should be spent on playing guitar and games, more time should be spent on studying. However, keep on doing them in a controlled amount.

Those priorities will not be easy for me to follow, and here is my pledge. By whatever means, I have to be extra careful for my life in 2009. Much hope was given to me to be fulfilled, and thus, it was my responsibility to satisfy those who put their hopes. Remind me, time and time again, friends.

Nothing Else Matters…

Friday, December 19, 2008

1:16:55 AM

Let me get this straight and forward, for I am afraid if someone would be blurred by my posts.

“Don’t be silly, you know it’s impossible,” is one of the quotes that were spitted to bring me down. It was not quiet affective title for that post, isn’t it? But it is not something that I want to bring up tonight.

There is one thing that I want to make you all, my respective readers, to be aware of. I had my lessons, and it was something that I should have it shared with all of you. Firstly, in the local higher education institution (INTEC, UiTM to be precise), your ability in English is not very helpful. I used to score on most of my exams in English subjects, and I was initially very confident that in INTEC, my ability and fluency in English will help me much to make me an average student, if not the top one (for my mathematical and logical skills is not very good). Honestly saying, I envied those who have a logical mind, which means their ability in Mathematics is far better than their creative thinking. Being creative is not important, as far as I can see, but being logic is much more important.

The second thing is one of Nur’s posts, which draws my attention on it holistically as one provocative post. She wrote it with the state of definite, obvious anger which can be felt in every reader. Brilliant, I like the way she curse. Cruel is the most exact word that I can say. Keep up the good job, pal.

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