Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Gila Belajar. Gila.

Skrg kul 3 pagi.
Ak sowg je yg terjaga ag.
Ak tgh blaja Bio tadi, smbil dgr lagu.
Tibe2 kuar lagu The Great Spy Experiment, Late Night Request.
Bass dier mcm Estrella punyer Ternyata.
Suddenly, ak pown amek gitar and try men bass Ternyata. Giler susah.
Men gitar kul 3 pagi.
Sorg2. Mmg agak giler r.

Then ak tringat kt sowg dak neyh, slalu dier stay up.
Ak amek tepon, nk hntr msg, tpi trperasan kredit da expired.
Ak bukak laptop jap, amek broadband Adib yg terbiar ats meja dier.
(Adib, pinjam jap ek...)
Aku igt tanak tido mlm neyh. Coz ak lom ready utk esok.
Tapi fikir2 balik, aku mcm dah giler belajar.
Dah 3 malam tdo kul 3 stengah.
Malam ney plak tataw r kul bpe.
Gila belajar. Gila.
Klu x pndai2 gak tataw r...

Atok dh makin ok. Sparuh bdn dh bleh gerak.
Jumaat ni nk balik. Nk tgok atok. 
Ingat nk balik ari khamis, nk mintak excuse lab dgn Mr. Ishak.
Tapi ptg Jumaat ade audition CATS
X bleh keciwakn dak2 band aku.
Dah r nk perform x jadik. Lawak2.

Maybe ak tido kul 4 lebih. Maybe ak tdo jap ag. Maybe ak x tdo trus.
Ak da kurg procrastinate, tapi still x ckup mase.
Kne cari mne ak wat cilap.

Monday, February 23, 2009

May I Have the Strength...

Abah mesej ptg td...
Dye btaw, atok kne strok kol 3 td...
Mase makan...
Tataw r cmne dye skrg...
Sepupu aku, Syafinaz masuk hospital...
X taw ag sbb pew, tp dye puasa hari nih...
Mala plak demam... Abh bwk dye pg klinik pg td... So umah xde org...
Nasib bek mak smpat balik keje... Kalau x atok kne strok sorg2 jer...
Skrg nih paklang bawak atok pegi hospital... Dye x bleh gerak 1 bdn...
Dah ckp kt abah, pape nnti msg r...

Abah lom msg pape ag... Ak rsau mcm nak mati...
Mse discussion td pown asyik fikir pasal atok..
Tapi dorg x notice kot, coz ak pndai cover...

Dear God, shall I have the strength to get through this...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sepetang Bersame Couple

1st skali, chill ek. Even kitorg x dpt perform, kitorg still chill~~~
Tengok Couple close up mmg best. Ak dok btol2 dpn Ariana. Mmg sronok giler r dpt amek gmbr ngan diorg tadi. Tp x smpt nk amek ngan Ojoe, coz beliau kelilingi peminat2 wanita... Huhuhu..
1st time dgr diorg men 'Hey Now!' live. Mmg ak sgt2 layan r, almost sumer lagu aku sing along. Tapi lagu 'Love You Yes' tuh ak taw part chorus jer. haha.. Tapi serius sgt best. Aidil maen kidal, mcm aku. Tgok r korg, player kidal pown bleh survive even x tukar position tali. Tu yg wat ak nk tukar balik tali akustik aku tuh. Tapi tukar2 slalu takot plak rosak.
Mmg penat giler r. And sangat tension coz x dpt perform. Ramai giler dak2 program amerika (ADFP) yg dtg nk tgok kitorg perform, tp keciwa.. huhu.. xpe2, utk korg, dak2 ADFP yg support ktorg, kitorg promise 1 bnde jer...
Tu sumer coz sokongan korg. Kagum gak aku bile tgok ramai classmate ak yg taun lps dtg. X sgke sungguh ak. Ramai gak yg ak tgok tarik muke bile band ktorg x bleh perform. Mmg ramai yg x puas hati. Tapi kite diamkn jer ek? Coz kite just student kt INTEC...
Ak nk bg credit utk Couple yg btol2 'down to earth'. Bile ak ngan Mukh borak2 ngan Aidil pasal performance ktorg yg x jd tuh, dye mntk maaf coz maen lame sgt. Dye igt ktorg x bleh men coz mase ckit sgt, tp sbnrnye ade sbb len. Aku respek korg. Walaupun dah mmg established dalam industri, korg still maintain low profile. Tu smgt indie yg real. Kt mainstream x jmpe bnde2 cmni.
Tapi bile fikir2 balik, macam sia2 je kitorg practice sblum neyh. Pagi Sabtu, ak x pg group discussion utk Tourism just sbb nk pg practice dgn band Izzi. Sori r kt group ak, terpkse abeskn mse korg. Ptg tuh plak, ktorg pg INTEC, nk test2 brg. Siap tolong pasang ag (xpe r, wat amal jariah). Nsb bek dah rehearse 1 lagu, xde r kempunan sgt nk men ats stage.
Pagi tadi, kelam kabut nk pegi. Dorg x btaw pown cne flow event. So kul 1 stengah baru aku gerak ngan mukh pegi INTEC (credit to Nur, sponsor transport). Layan band Izzi dulu. Tapi sori r guys, ak x tgok sume lagu korg, aku pegi solat Zohor mse korg perform. Ak smpai dewan, Couple dah start. Tgok crowd dh mule ramai. Tgok manner crowd, ak da x sdp ati. Igt nk lepak depan Aidil, tapi mosh ngan crowd surfing yg ganas keep ak dpn Ariana (sebelah Shaza. Shaza, ko mnt Couple ke? Hahaha...). Sing along giler2... Penat lepak depan Ariana, ak duduk kejap ngan dak2 neyh. As dah bwat muke bosan. Wahi lak enjoy, ade some part yg die sing along skali. You rock, girl.
Abes je Couple perform, kitorg pown naik ats stage. Set up brg. Ak dh siap psg strap kt bass. Then suddenly power supply kt PA down. Then abg PA system tu dtg, ckp yg Timbalan Pengarah sruh stop. Reluctantly, ak cabot balik strap, and turun. Sebab ape TP swuh stop? Korg fikir r sendiri. Haha...
Pas borak2 ngan Aidil, amek2 gmbr sumer, aku pown trus blah. Gerak ke library. Research leukemia x bwat ag. Sempat r gak wat 2 page kt library. Seb bek smpt. Then Mukh call ak, ajk balik. Smpai2 je kt Cendana, aku trus pegi mndi, solat asar, then tido. Tension giler coz x dpt perform. Rse mcm nk mrh org jer. Tapi bgun tdo, lbih kurg kol 7 steng, dh mcm rilek ckit. Ak trus solat maghrib, sambung wat research. Kul 11 tadi siap. Aku nyer part je r. Drop komen kt Couple nyer Myspace, compliment 4 the show. Skrg kul 1 stengah pagi, ak x tdo ag. Abes ney ak tdo r.
Guys, rock trus rock. Maybe ney bukan 1st public performance kitorg, sbb 1st public performance just dkt open stage, x men r dlm dewan neyh (ye ke? pndai2 je aku.. haha..)...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

They're Damned Good...


This morning we have this 2 hours practice session with Izzi's band, and I was astonished.

They've held me spellbounded. After all, they will be playing six songs tomorrow.

Ow, yes. Tomorrow. Tomorrow's a big day. Our first public performance. I don't know, but...

I'm NOT ready yet...

I'm NOT ready yet...

I'm NOT ready yet...

We tested the equipments at INTEC this evening, and I think the machines were great. An Ibanez's bass. There nothing better than a great instrument and a supportive crowd.

I hope I can get ready for it by tomorrow. I can barely open my eyes now. So sleepy. Shit.

Come along tomorrow, guys. We will be playing after Zohor. Let's sing along with COUPLE. 

Have fun.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Too Much to Say... This Will be Long...

1st Thing: The Heat of Audition

Yesterday, another jamming session. Practicing very hard for the audition next Wednesday (looks like I have to ask excuse to not attend Ms. Dhaya class). Frankly, we're not doing very good last night. Somehow, the 'feel' was not there. Shit. Suddenly everyone become so damned stressed and playing seriously (including me). Well, I can't help but to admit that the heat of the audition is getting hotter. It melt us all. But no worries, we will go against Larry's band from ALM (no offense, dude), it's healthy competition. Will be jamming EVERYDAY from now!!!

2nd Thing: What I do When I Was Depressed

I've read the blogs of some of my peers, and I can see that those guys and girls were getting stressed up. Pointing straight to Hazirah, who gives her friend some suggestion on how to be happy. My roommates know it when I was depressed. Well, guys, this is what I do when I was depressed... 

Step 1- Walk alone to the nearest Petronas (in my case, the Section 6 Petronas)

Step 2- Withdraw some money (in my case, the CIMB Bank ATM)

Step 3- Buy an A&W Root Beer and a Cadbury Chocolate (in my case, sometimes a Vochelle, or Van Houten, or just a Snickers)

Step 4- Walk back alone to your college (in my case, Cendana)

Step 5- Open your laptop and watch Futurama while eating the chocolate and root beer

Step 6- Start studying again... 

Thats what I do when I was depressed... Try it!

3rd Thing: The Hectic of Next Week

Week SEVEN. HeCtIc. I've got to be more prepared for the next week. Siot. I got THREE TESTS, A QUIZ and not to forget, A FEW PRESENTATION + ASSIGNMENT. And an audition. I was not so prepared for these, but I am still struggling to be prepared. Either in academic, or music. For the audition, pray for us, GUYS!

4th Thing: My Brothers are Coming to KL

"Bro, hujung minggu ney angah ngan AA nk dtg KLCC"

"So what? Hahaha..."

"Kitorang men 3 on 3 nnti. Abang datang r, bg sokongan ckit..."

"Ala, abang byk kije r... Nak pew nie?"

"Hahaha... Ala, angah pegi bwk 5 rggit je ni... Support r ckit..."

"Ceh.. Cakap r awal2.. Tgok r nnti cne..."

"Bawak hanset angah skali taw... Suke2 bwk hanset org..."

"Yela2... Lagi? Bwk pew ag?"

"Bawak r bakal kakak ipar... Nk gak kenal2... Haha..."

"Pale hotok awok... (Dalam loghat Pahang)"

Haha... Guess I have to go anyway.. 

5th Thing: Couple Are Coming to INTEC???

Really? OMG, Aidil, Ariana and others r coming???? WaH!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO DAMNED MUCH!!! I've been informed about the AUSMAT CHARITY RUN and the live band performance on that day. Izzi has told Juwe that our band is invited to perform at the event. I don't know for sure, but wait a minute, performing live with Couple? That far off my expectation.... *dies*

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday; Mohd Syauqi Yem

Today's a big day. It's my youngest brother's birthday. Yesterday was Nur's. And tomorrow is Dzul's. I called him this afternoon, during lunch, and I'm glad he was there. I asked him,

'Tat nak hadiah ape?'

And I was pretty shocked to hear he answered,

'Turtle je r... Abang balik arini boleh tak?' 

'Abang balik lambat lagi r. Kenape?'

'Tat nak tunjuk something kat abang.'

I already know what it is. A plate he won for scoring the highest mark in Science subject. My mother has already told me that. An 8 years old boy with such an ambition. And a turtle for his birthday. I guess I need to find a turtle somehow. Haha. 

Happy Birthday, Tat. You may not be reading this, or even if you do, you won't understand this. Just know that I love you a lot

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Here's The Band...

I'm exhausted.

I guess everyone else is, too. Dzul and Kapao already slept. Mukh and Larry were studying. Juwe was about to sleep. And here am I.

One hour 30 minutes. 12 songs. Some were repeated. Varied position. Seriously playing. 32 ringgit. Hours and hours of practicing.

The first official band picture(s). And the band name was still undecided. No, we are not undecided. I mean the band's name is not undecided. We're indecisive about that. Sorry. Don't know what I'm talking about. There's some suggestions for the name, which are-

*The Singles and Not Available

*Sorry Girls, We're Gay

haha.. I don't know either... We're not really good enough... Huhu... Need to practice more...

p/s: Got any suggestion? haha..

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I've Been Through Hell For Three Days...

Bad things happen to me in the last three days...
It felt just like something continuosly occurs...
And the victim will always be me...
There's been quizzes, presentations, assignments and homeworks...
Lots and lots of them...
Been quiet hectic days... Isn't it Eugenians?
Haha... And there's a lot of things happening to me...
Yes, I was trying so damned hard to be more hardworking...
And some of the hardwork pays... Something to be proud about...
This evening the hectic and tiring days ended... My head finally feels better...
Been too much pressure recently... Can't really handle them...
You might see me going real smooth on the outside...
But believe me, I was stormed to death from the inside...
This blur impression I made is to cover up my stress...
Music unites people. This occurs to me again.
Meeting up for the first time in the studio... Then ended up for a drink...
Then there's one girl... Who chat with me on the net...
Guessing everything about me, and got it all right. Funny. 
How does she ever managed to do that? I'll investigate... Just wait...
My mother just called me, asking me why I'm not calling her recently...
And I told her the same reason, it have been a hell of a week...
And it had just ended up this evening...
Sorry mother, I miss you. Will call you soon, I promise.
Miss my old Glendale. But still pleased with the new Eugene. 
You guys are great. Let's meet up, hang around once in a while.
Talked a few times with my best friends about friendship...
Thanks a million to all my friends, you have been very extremely helpful to in these days of hell...
Been very ambivalent about my plan for the demonstrative speech...
Only strummed the guitar once this week, got no time for you, sweetheart. Haha.
I have done a final mastering to the track that we played last Sunday.
Listened to it time and time again. The song is very nice.
Expecting to jam again next Monday.
I can't wait for it, for everyone have been a better player and things had started to be more sorted out. We will play the best music. Even if we are just amateurs.
Two days in a row, I have to go back to Cendana to take something I forgot...
There we can see how bad I am when it comes to preparing...
I'm a professional procrastinator, but not very lousy organizer.
Better stop here. Don't want to write anything further. 
I'm afraid you'll get bored by my words...
Sorry if my English is bad, and thanks for reading. 

Monday, February 2, 2009

Losing Melody...

This song is about a girl who sacrificed herself for the sake of her loved ones... A sad song actually... But this song really rocks... Losing Melody by Skyjuice Coffee...

I can feel your gentle touch on my heart

Reminds me to hold on for just a little while
I can see you're smiling at me, the love in your eyes
I long to snuggle close, my fears are taking flight

Im losing you
(Ive been weeping out
For a long time
Now its time to die)
Im losing you, my heart calls out

(Ill prove no pride
Blind my eyes out
Now its time to die)

Wanting you and me in this special place of mine
The world of outside

I can feel your presence surrounding me (be in love with you)
I know deep in my heart our love was meant to be (nor death do us apart)
I can see the shining bright lights on you (my love my only one)
Why you are the one who's going to leave me here alone on my own

Dying as you saved my life
But why you didnt save yours?

Why dont you just let me die?
So I wont cry for you
Turn back the time and you will see
Our love is strong and shimmering
No one will never ever fractious me
Buried a lie and set us free
Destiny will never in our hands
But still we could amend our being
Looking back at the story that weve made
Deny the fate and let me scream

Should you see me here?
Should you see me now?

Ill keep our promise until the
end of time

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blistered Thumb... Blame the Bass...

Today's jamming session is so damn serious...

Suddenly I have to play the bass...


But it was so good (now I understand why Kapao likes to play bass so much)...

Bass besar yang blisterkan jari aku...

Tapi lagu "Like a Stone" mmg jadik... I can say 85%... So damned great...

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